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12:03 a.m. - 2003-10-09
just my imagination
just my imagination

one time, i crawled inside my ear. how i did that i really can't tell you becos i would hate to have people tickling my ear everytime im trying to stare at the blue sky.

so where was i?

yea i was inside my ear. i just sat there on the inner curved hollow near my ear drums. i wasn't doing anything much. i could have spoken in whispers, maybe telling my ear all that i wanted to tell him. he is a good listener after all. he listens. and thats just what i want in a ear. able to listen.

time flew by... i just sat there contemplating the silence around me. i could have stayed longer but i think i have to get back now, so i said goodbye to my ear and crawled out. the light is blinding.

the end.


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