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9:36 p.m. - 2003-09-21
the man without a past
i have an insane urge to delete everything here.

to make a fresh start with my life.

this place is haunting.

ghosts of my past. but they made me who i am today. there were funny stories, there were sad ones, and also my fav: mixed ones.

i no longer feel like writing.

every entry feels trying. like im just trying to make my existence heard/read.

and then when it happens, life just sweeps everything off the table in real life.

what a whore life is.

that one is a laugh.

i'll be the man without a past.

im not the first nor the last.

to step in line and join the zombies.

maybe this will turn out for the better.

i dunno. what a drag. this baggage. like the first day of school when u appear and hope that everyone accepts you. but sooner or later, they realise what a dork you are. what a social retard. what a goofball, messing things and being a loser.

by george i sound like george in seinfeld.

what was i thinking?

by lord...

he will never forgive me.

he only looks down on me.

my lord.

(and i fake an outstretched hand hoping he'd reach out to grab it before i fall off the cliff. man, the movies can kill you.)

oh just now i was riding the bike at amk mrt station when up the slope the cranks twisted and broke out and the bicycle chain tripped out. it was all so funny becos i love that crank. its all cut-out and very lightweight u know. very good for flatland riding. whats flatland riding u may ask?

well flatland riding means u ride the bmx obviously on flatland and u do stupid tricks on it, its like a damm circus act except only those who can do it knows how tough it is to balance a monkey on the seat and ask him to step the pedals. i dunno how many whips i've whupped into tatters of beefjerky. really.

so my crank became a twisted piece of metal with teeth. and so i just pushed the bike round and round in a circle, sweating and pretending im a clown in a magic circus and im balancing and standing on the bicycle.

what an amusement that was.

now i have to wait one more month before i can repair that thing.

guess that means im running away from the circus to join the marines now.

shave my head.

and everything is passed.


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