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7:52 p.m. - 2003-10-16
Latest Trends in SX world

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For those of you who have been watching this diary for the lastest trends

of SX world:

1. Listen to No Use For A Name.

punk rock guitars and great lyrics spelling out stories. 

2. what else... Spurs asked me, "why r u sad?" on icq.

i was shocked briefly as i was not sad at that time. i hope my countenance

was not a scowl. 

3. i discovered or rather re-discovered video games as the cutting edge of creativity

and fun in our increasingly interactive

world. There are lots of books from the US detailing how you can get into the

game industry. well, ok. Great. Before i go into the Singaporean

Mode: No! No! My life is fixed! i have to get a stable job and dun mention

economic crisis or leaving the country! which is what often happens to

me, i think maybe i should consider the possibility of becoming a game developer

or joining the gaming industry...hmm... ok. Consideration done. stay inert.

call me halogen. Nah... seriously, go look at point 4.

4. How do i work within the system and the culture

and the boundaries of my life to achieve game-world happiness?

(a) Go work at Paco FunLand, 9am to 5pm, treat my

friends to endless tokens of fun!

(b) Go play at Paco FunLand, 9am to 5pm, treat

myself to endless tokens of fun till i run out of money and still can't master

the 5 hit combo 1 plus 1 air tumble DDT.

(c) Take drugs and pretend im Mario.

(d) Go learn something during my internship in MTV

and hope to discover whatever good and confident thing i can do steadily which

is fun and creative and also economically viable for survival in this

inflationary world of costs and bills.

(e) Alternatively, get kicked out of MTV, join some

other band of people and form the Singapore New Wave. Like the 5th generation of

filmmakers who graduated from the China Film Academy and moved on to create

Chinese New Wave Cinema.

(f) Get a steady job, buy a sony PLaystation 2X, and

then get some pirated games from One-eyed Jack at AMK to play at home on

weekends while weekdays slog at some god forsaken job.

The Future looks Bright. Seriously.







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