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2:01 p.m. - 2003-10-27
Pulp Fiction Series 1

Pulp Fiction Series




A collection of short sketches for a

pulpy book.

Makes for easy reading.




It was a weird moment in time. He admitted to himself.

He stared out the window. The HDB flats

opposite were awashed in a warm orange glow. So was the entire landscape. The

sun was setting. And it shed its rays, dyeing the whole landscape. He turned and

walked to the other room. He slumped onto his bed and lied there, closing his



She was cooking. A meal for her son. The day is nearly over. She thought about

her investments in the stock market in the early afternoon. These thoughts mixed

with thoughts about her first son. Where is he now? Out on his motorcycle. Her

hand lifted a knife and slowly sliced some carrots.


Steve Almond got up. He walked to the window and looked out. It was pale blue.

The moment has passed.


It�s weird to be alive. He thought to himself.

He remembered when he was about 5 or 6

years old and scrambling on a tricycle around his home, zooming round the

furniture and into his parents� bedroom. It was exhilarating. Everyday was an

exhilaration really. Weird. He never thought he might remember this.


Mom brought the soup out. Steaming hot.


�Come and eat!� she said aloud, to everyone in the house.



David sat down and waited for his friend. He had to pass something to her.

When she arrived, he stood up and handed her the textbooks. "thanks."

They exchanged small talk. After that, he walked to the 7-11 near the bus-stop

and bought a chicken-pie.

"i like you. really. hmm... i really really like you, you know


He bit into the chicken pie and said to it.

He walked on, holding the chicken pie with both hands, munching away,


The sun was setting already.


"no no... i didn't really mean that."

"yes you did. you said it so fervently."

"lets not dwell on the past."

"... ok... "

"so how now?"

"we hang around till the clock strikes nine. Then we go home."

"let's go to the arcade."












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