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8:44 p.m. - 2003-11-03
humpback oak.
thumbslack bloke

in the spirit of a classmate, strangecloud.

and i like this song anyway.

a song from the past.

from their first album,

Pain Stained Morning.

i remember listening to this song during my jc mornings before going to school.

here's Void by Humpback Oak.

(ha... deejay speak: intro title and name last.)

where are you im in the void

im not here or there im paranoid

when im by myself i talk

when theres someone else i don't

cos it all comes out wrong.

it never comes out right.

theres nothing i can do

theres nothing i haven't tried

to change the fact that my eyes

go red when my throats down here

to hide the fact that my head

goes heavy when i begin to fear

when am i now i thought i was with you

if im not with you then im with those few

those few and these more

i think im gonna settle the score

the score with myself

myself and no one else

score with myself

inside and nowhere else

to change the fact that my eyes

go red when my throats down here

to hide the fact that my head

goes heavy when i begin to fear

to live the fact that my life is so proper nothing ever seems to falter

to live the fact that my life is so

proper think i'll take a trip to gilbralter...


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