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9:49 a.m. - 2003-11-09
another self analysis to take stock of my life.
the market will rise

the holidays are coming. yay.

a defeatist cheer. some painted smiles.

remember why i liked punkrock songs.

because doing it yourself is faster.

time is running out. time is stretching out. a tired line: life goes on. they scream and rock. shaking the wooden bodies of their guitar puppets. the meat puppets. a reference to humans. punkrock love. the games people play. one morning. sad moans. satay in the afternoon. mother dressed in black. im loving it. my mind, mind my mind. its mine. die die my mine die my mind.

loudness is good. it drowns out stuff like noise. signal to noise ratio must be good. a music engineer. a social engineering experiment to create more genetic engineers: singapore life sciences, after we had enough of social engineering mechanical engineers. we are the engine. you are the smoke. spluttering from the stacks.

online collection of sharon seng.

shaun's bonsai manu pitas. it cracks me up. bitterly. that he named his diary after someone who passed. the pass is called a pass because there is a movement of one desire pass another.

these words are not mine.

sorry for being cold. can't help it. saves energy. energy saving lights is when you don't switch it on at all. i switch off. read that everyone has limited amounts of love, of caring. that you have boundaries and everyday you commit the decision making of whether to care or not. books. the pollution of our minds. burroughs said language is a virus from outerspace. got that from a book.

disjointed words. use biocalth you said. disjointed jokes. we are disjointed.

left hanging on a limb. i would like to state that this is not poetry. this is a vomit.

i would like to do things for a laugh. for a laugh. dun use me for a laugh. open up your mind. you can take another look from the other side. so hold on tight aishitara ru igeru so its taartakara. gibbons.

the hols are coming. hold my horses.

hee haw! pop culture references send my regards to stuart hall's mouse who starred in stuart little. how come there are two r's in star? ask robert emole. he's an emoillient.

i mistook you for the writer who wrote a funny article in talkingcock, chickenrice.

i grovel.



i thought of all the places i could go with you. we could visit haw par villa or the plastique spastics exhibition. then i thought about what about my other friends. i am an idiot.

i thought about people who like punkrock songs. are they crazy are they neurotic. what about people who like mellow stuff. are we disjointed, defined by our likes and dislikes, are we that easily defined? i hope that one day science provide us with the cure.

i won't confide in you.

"cos these crazy desires in me making me say all these to you are just that: crazy." steve almond is the author of my life in heavy metal.

now i'll leave you to your thoughts.

take care.


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