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12:51 p.m. - 2003-12-05
Mail stories #3
Machine insects

Last night, I was working beside the machine conveyor belt when I heard a faint hum. I was curious and listened closer. It was the cogwheels and other well-oiled mechanical parts inside the machine going round and round or rubbing against each other. Well, it sounded like the outro of a song by radiohead� the high pitched cacophony of machine insects whispering to each other. To get that sound, listen to Karma Police, near the end where thom sings "i lost myself, i lost myself..."

I thought about it for a while as I continued my work, radiohead� did they create that weird beeping staccato of computers chirping because they�ve heard this conveyor machine noise before?

---------------- i lost myself... its amazing how my mind is blank for the few hours while i was at work. Most of the time, my mind was focused on the work at hand; picking up letters from trays at shuffling them onto the conveyor, trying to keep up pace. Sometimes i would try to distract myself by deliberately thinking of people or places or things i would like to do after work. Mostly these are things and people from the past. I guess its easier to retrieve things from memory than it is to think up new stuff. I would think up the usual stuff and try to see if there's the possibility of new happenings. and then the machine whined and i went back to work. well stories have to end somehow and this is the easiest i can think of right now.


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