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4:56 p.m. - 2003-12-23
strange marks on the wall made by mosquito landings
honestly we drank nestle milk when we were young our mothers mixing them with milo into brown water.

when we were young, our mothers were mixed with nestle and milo and we were honest brown.

i wanted this robot. he flashes light and he walks on the ground with wheels under his feet. he makes noises and raises his gun firing lights in a plastic muzzle and eyes afire.

the robot flashed his wheels and i made noises like a fire. we had plastic under our feet and wanted noises.

socially equipped with briefcases we stepped out of the mrt doors and met our clients. dressed in ironed clothes we knew the score. the watches are used for telling time besides telling our status. at night we go to sleep thinking about tomorrow. we hope our pets like us.

i thought about you. my thoughts are impulses lighted up in fuses.

we ran 20 rounds around the beginner's circuit and crashed in the end. but the cars came back alive later.


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