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5:19 p.m. - 2003-12-23
spotless she made the kitchen because she never entered it
argh she cried running away from him, shielding her precious ears from the words he spoke about politics and names with surnames included.

how can i escape from all these negativity she spoke to herself. she ran to the beach and caught sand in her shoes.

not knowing when and where she stood, he took a box out and stared at the gleam inside. the babies they were going to make in their later lives counting as repayments for all the karma they used up.

how many people will be reborn and how many are created anew and how many levels of hell are there before one can never come up.

he doesnt know a shit about politics, he was in the debate team and they had always asked him to make the summary speech.

she was making sand castles. the waves couldnt get at them because the waves were too attached to the sea.

he had a beard, he stood erect.

he was nuts. the screws were taken out.

she slapped the romantic book shut.

what a sad voice to sing.

she wanted a sad voice to sing.

he always knew what he wanted except that after he got it, he always wondered what next.

she asked if she must be in self exile in order to become great. these social outcast geniuses of our age. belle and sebastards.

our computers will save us.

they declare.


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