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10:55 p.m. - 2003-12-26
2 books
borrowed some books today:

1. kureishi's my son the fanatic. finished reading it, good book.

2. jack gantos' hole in my life.

haven't read yet. but good quote by oscar wilde in front:

"i have learned this:

it is not what one does that is wrong

but what one becomes

as a consequence of it."

Interestingly this quote is a fitting comment on my son the fanatic. The taxi-driver dad lives a life close to the amoral side of ... life(?), haha, driving prostitutes around, introducing clients, even falling in love... and his son hates the way they live their life in britain. Cool book. bitter funny. Muslim fundamentalism, human contradictions, complex.

am searching for another story by kureishi as advertised at the back of the book: the buddha of surburbia.

the blurb is funny: "His Father said, pursue the road to Happiness. Karim took the road to sex, drugs and rock and roll."

hopefully can dload the video too.

a bit deflated. just received info that my furby would be arriving only next monday. :/ hopefully he is lively, and not a dead stuffed toy or a retarded robot.

this is it, byebye.


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