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12:04 p.m. - 2004-01-01
festive cheer.
i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year

one makes you happy the other makes you pause to think.

an open mind.

exercise twice a week.

no unneccessary cigarettes.

treat your parents better.

a new year thats not quite new.

mathematics and arbitrary selection means our lives has been segmented into periods.

reaching 21.

means reaching for other stuff after that.

well, a few days ago, i met you and i mulled over whether to wish you a merry christmas . i decided against it, knowing your usual calming attitude which is like pouring concrete into a swimming pool.

hence i was quite surprised on the eve. to receive a greeting from you.

"merry xmas".

i decided to send a new years greeting to you.

"bloody hell." you replied.

you're still your usual self.

and my friend put his arm across my shoulders and said, "happy new year."

i said, "yea. you too."

he was drunk.

we parted ways before midnight.

i sat on the bus and watch tvmobile people saying stuff and then there were fireworks.

when i got home, there was no one around, cept my father, drinking coffee. as usual as these past few nights when everyone goes out. mother to her mahjong and other engagements. brother to his friends and work socialising. me and my arcades and S11 dinners and sitting around in a windy place with friends.

each one separately

coming home to our own darkness.

we pulled off our shoes and socks and undressed ourselves without care, stripping layers off our skin.

we threw our dirty clothes into the basket and turned on the shower.

hot steam rises.

cold air sinks.


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