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10:26 p.m. - 2004-01-15
2 phrases make no sense but hype
stuff about work

to start off, i would like to dedicate this story to

becos i enjoyed reading his blog. yea holy 001 i finally found out its you, after seeing your posted photos, ha.

let us continue:

1. working in a corporation, there are lotsa paper work procedures to go through.

2. i spent quite a bit of time staring into space or doodling or checking ms office mail for any errands they want me to run; i'll gladly do any sai kang or "shit tasks", just to leave a good impression behind, in their minds and not my comfy seat cushions of cos.

3. anyway, yea its been great. pple come into the office late and nobody cares. i love a world where everyone functions in their own timezone.

4. yea i travel a bit from the office to the other secret office quite a bit. its ok i think. the secret office is a scary place cos i'll be doing the secret stuff there soon. yea you can see it on your tv screen, the secret stuff im suppose to do.

5. yea i saw patrick chng of oddfellows. he sits opposite my exposed cubicle. yea i am situated in an exposed cubicle whereby everyone that needs to go to the toilet or go to the pantry or out, will pass by me. i can start collecting toll fees or force them to give me a smile by staring at them retardedly everytime they pass by, as if i have noticed them coming and i want to pretend that i have something i dun want them to know, like a spy movie you know. i'd give them this knowing look and nod, several times if possible, while my hands are covering my computer screen.

6. i read juice zine and saw strangecloud's stories. cool. and then i went on to circle her spelling errors and stuff. nah.

7. realised that tv and so on is just a lot of hooks and marketing promo speak.

flashy, zany, wacky, what have you. i must start to learn such positive upbeat energetic descriptive words in order to meet the job description. i tried looking at juice zine and marking out the nice promo phrases and also doing a few innovations. along the way, i also practised the critical method by drawing stupid remarks at the margins.

8. i followed one of my upper-studys to the editing suite to see her work. really remarkable. she's giving the timecodes to the on-line editor to key in and then she will take out the respective source tape to slot into the machines to be tapped. meanwhile the editor goes to the TC and scans the images, and both of proceed to cut the visuals according to the already-laid-audio tracks. and surprisingly, as u all know, the visuals are cut to such a short time span of half-seconds, that sometimes, for a line such as "the zany and questionable stuff" the on-line editor will say: "so whats the image for zany?"

and my upper study will say " oh, just use that one where... timecode 23:45:01"

and then shortly, the editor will say " ok what about questionable?"

and the upper study will think and give the answer within 2 seconds. and the image fits what "questionable" means.

it isn't easy... its not like writing the word "questio..." out and then viewers will get it. using words to describe an image is easy but using images to describe words... that seems weird. but thats the way it goes...

9. this is it. boy meets world. where wide-eyed starry interns are led into the dungeon of cruel errands and paper-clip-folding exams. (insert image of intern unfolding and folding a paper-clip and grunting.) boredom is a crazy stimulant. stay tuned.


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