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11:57 p.m. - 2004-01-19
more depressive thoughts... hey man, for the bluesy pple.
dun read this if you're not bluesy

the promise of life is a sweet lie

it is the sweetest lie

to be promised life

after you have reached the promised land.

the promise of life is a sweet lie

so let it be short and sweet.

the promise of life is a sweet lie

it is sweetest when i lay down to die.

the promise of life is a sweet lie

when you are hung out to dry, sweet leopard.

the promise of life is a sweet lie

the premise of life is also a lie.

the promise of life is a lie.

go and cry (may substitute with 'die').

the promise of life is a sweet lie

i promise you this:

you will cry out for more.

(image of baby exiting womb and crying admist cheerful doctors and exhausted mom.)

the promise of life is a sweet lie

like this cherry flavoured vodka champagne cocktail

get drunk on life get drunk.

the promise of life is a sweet lie

i have a hangover

they left me to dry.

the promise of life is a sweet lie

how sweet your deadly lips

belladonna thereafter i won't need to speak.

the promise of life is a sweet lie

mummy they switched off the lights

i can't find my way home.

the way home is another road to rome.

and there forever i am cursed to roam.

the promise of life

the host gave me his wife

she is a sweet lie

no no

she is a sweeter lay.

cold were her feet

and damp were her hands.

folded and crossed

we made love and slept.

folded and crossed.

the promise of life is a sweet lie

i sow my seeds and i reap them

later the reaper grips me.

the promise of life is a sweet lie

i was a child

and they gave me sweets.

(cherub reaching for lollipop)

beyond my reach.

ok... this is it.

sad stuff to read when you're sad.

though radiohead, travis and damien jurado are still the best.


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