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11:14 p.m. - 2004-01-19
the bends is a radiohead song, naked ambition is a sex film
naked ambition

i dun know if you have these feelings sometimes but sometimes i do. really.

sometimes as i sat on the bus and look out the window at the passing world, i would catch a glimpse of labourers or aircon repairmen or technicians in their blue overalls or noodle sellers or shopkeepers... and then i would wonder what if i hadn't scored well in my exams, i hadn't gone on this A'level route of life, hadn't become the me i am today, would i be leading the same life?

and i mean a total change, you know.

not the me thats like the me i am now.

i mean, i would speak differently, i would walk differently, i would think differently... my friends would not be you, you or you; i probably won't be typing here too.

what is this naked ambition?

its not the latest R(A) sexploitation film starring louis koo.

i mean naked ambition as in a person who on the route to a supposed life of aircon working conditions, has ambitions (or you can call them escapist notions) of doing the menial, non-aircon, sweaty, kind of jobs.

sometimes i really think i should fit there. "fit" you know, like a square peg in a square hole. i thought we could probably switch places. you're more suited to my life than me, i should work in your toil.

what is this...

and what is the meaning...

"wild flights of fantasy of a fortunate kid."

"his insecurities make him a coward to face life's challenges."

"he has no sense of fillial piety or motivation to do better in life."


a repeat: in the land where nobody grows up, the children try to kill peter pan every night.

this is for peter:

"today i looked at the green pen knife in my pencil box and thought of slicing something. but i am scared of pain.

i wrote down kill my coworkers in my notebook. i hope they dun peep into my notebook while i am away. this is a sick joke. they dun get it. neither do i. some words must be left secret.

i have a death wish. not to be eaten alive or have my dick sliced off and fried by some freak i met on the internet. a death wish to die before cruel sickness take over my body. the body is a rebel. the mind is fighting the body. if the mind kills the body, who wins in the end? suicide is a dirty word in this dirty war.

30 something, 35 to die

thirty somethings thirty somethings.

i believe i'll be mellow then.

sallow and yellow.

say hello and follow.

the crowd and the blokes

in the middle standing out.

say hello and follow.

i believe i'll be mellow.

invisible and against the wall

the corners are sharpened

the bends the bends

no man's land.

thirty five thirty five

i believe i'll be thirty five

the day is fine.

around the bend

i never see around the bend

whats coming up

the corners are sharpened

in no man's land

never knew

whats coming up

but what hit him

was the way it ends.


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