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9:23 p.m. - 2004-01-30
dun know what to call this
some song lyrics for work:

zombie zombie zombie be be be... "the cranberries"

some random thoughts:

music work wonders

and it attracts bees

we package it

but did we create it

are we a mirror

the merchants of cool

carve your pound of flesh

use the right words

to strike the right things

we are selling things and dreams

what is wrong with giving people what they want.

well, i dun know,

people are irrational,

they might want to hurt themselves,

for pride for jealousy for all the wrong reasons,


the direction...

we make plans and scribble goals

but somehow we veer right off


in order to prove to nobody that we are not robots and we do not write code.

the robots with AI in the future will have to learn this rule in order to pass the Voigt-Kampff test;

well we have to falter.

take a break.


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