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9:37 p.m. - 2004-01-31
film script idea: the security guards (to be dev)
film script idea: the security guards (working title)

This is a comedic adventure film about a team of delinquent(not young, but around 20-ish, 30-ish?) security guards working in a shopping centre, patrolling the place in the dark nights,long hours, they try to stay awake and interested in their job, well making a decent living is hard.

focus on their lives and work.

they slack on the job, run off to the discos,play with the walkie talkies, practical jokes on each other, run into couple making out in the underground carpark relieve boredom by playing stupid games, making bets, smuggle alcohol to the office, drink on the job,

work in rotating pairs, bitch about each other,brag abt past heroics - stop terrorist strikes, cover-up conspiracy etc (can flashback to these

exaggerated annecdotes).

the sargeant plans the shifts for day and night, they insult one another, try to change shifts so that they dun have to work with unpleasant pple (i.e pple like themselves, the guy who didn't bathe, didn't wash his uniform, etc).

one guy brings a toy gun to work (innocent toy gun picked up from outside toys r us later becomes the weapon which can save them?)


ghost hauntings?,

false alarms,

but remember, when real shit happens,they redeem themselves and save the day. no guns so they improvise their weapons.

Other ideas along the line:

episodic, individual stories yet interlinked like city of god?

diff personalities: the lao chiao (experienced veteran), the newcomer, the sissy/coward, characters:

the opinionated and animated characters attracts audience attention,

the vampire (only works night shifts, silent)

all of them will/must have nick names.

remember episodic, fragmented storyline spanned over couple of days and nights,

fragmented like their shiftwork. well, possible ending: they finish work and finally see the beautiful sunrise daylight.

the whole film is shot in the dark night, only in the ending do we see the beautiful light as they go home.


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