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9:45 p.m. - 2004-01-31
glorifying the work and everything about life
I work in On-Air Promotions.

whats that?

well, we sell stuff like programs, we package them in such a way so that viewers would be interested to watch the actual programs themselves.

we write cheesy lines of voice-overs, voice-overed by invisible people with loud animated heavily accented voices and slang-heavy language.

but then sitting in the bus, mulling over stuff and passing scenery, i suddenly thought how glorious it all is. really.

our job is to provide information about shows in an entertaining way so that viewers would be intrigued or interested enough to want to watch the actual shows. that's not easy.

and that is also not unique.

storywriting also works in this way. we select the interesting bits among all the various subplots and we string them together, in a way which makes the reader interested to know whats coming next, to grip them in their seats, to be a page-turner, not some boring predictable dried up 6 months-old turd mashed on the grey pavements into a unintelligible brownish streak, stepped over by busy feet.

sell yourself.

choose the best bits of yourself and present them. display yr strengths.

maybe pretty soon, the lousy evil bits of your character will go away.

hide that beast in you. still those animal instincts. clear the hump.

does hump bring up lewd jokes to your mind? forget about that. sooner later it will disappear. because you are following my instructions.

yea, so isn't it glorious?

i left out "truly" because im not really sure whats the truth, we left out certain bits anyway.

stay cool and selective.


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