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11:04 p.m. - 2004-05-06
talented mr ripley
the robot has suicidal thoughts

meanwhile the politicians do their jobs

the neurotic people sitting in silence

the bored girl wishes for violence

they look at each other's eyes and smiled

the kid played with her plastic water bottle

i took a walk and enjoyed it

and then i went back

things were not that simple

i had thoughts in my head

burn and scratch

why is it so?

i think its a habit.

to sit down and think sad.

you had trouble communicating

excommunicate the spirits

scream fuck fuck fuck

we are all types.

she looks like that but behaves like a type.

i am a type.

forgive me.


i'll make you guys happy.

the dissappointment is big.

the hopes are dashed.

the time is gone.

all is not lost.

a packet of atoms


tetris blocks in

i hate writing crap like this.

but disorganised.

i made a shirt today. and wanted to make beads for colleagues but no.

i made a shirt today and realised why people buy shirts in the first place.

stupid homemade shirts.

they make you cry.

family gatherings.




talented mr ripley.

they gave me the thumbs up.

while someone is trapped in the basement.

they opened the door and looked inside.

mr. bones!

i was a hypocrite.

a robot programmed to be nice.

mr crowley!

song lyrics of rock bands


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