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3:20 p.m. - 2004-03-13
do not give up
one late night as i stumbled home after a tired day of work and some food-bingeing with friends, i decided to collect the day's mail, since the people in my house are too tired or busy to do so. so i made a detour to the mailboxes while waiting for the lift, opened the box with a tweaky key and inside were two green letters from SGH. They were addressed to my father. The man with a million doctor's appointment cards. Yea anyway, i got into the lift and stared at the letters in my hand.

As a young kid, i never had to care much or even look at bills and whatnot, much less my father's stuff. But somehow, in that lift with the quiet whirring fan, i decided that i had to care now. I mean that guy's getting old, eyes got cateracts, i might as well read his letters for him. so i stripped the letters.

ok, two doctors resigning from their positions and hence letters from the hospital informing us our appointment times have been changed.

thats that.



other nice parts:

he wanted to ask her how she could keep on doing this job but he didn't because he knew she would reply someone's gotta do it.

reproduced in entirety:

"are they all going to die?"

"those that no one wants. we'll put them down."

"and you are the one who does the job."


"you don't mind?"

"i do mind. i mind deeply. i wouldn't want someone doing it for me who didn't mind. would you?"


paraphrased ending from J.M. Coetzee's book "disgrace":

this old guy bringing a limp dog into the room of the african animal welfare hospital.

"i thought you would save him for another week, are you giving him up?"

"yes, i am giving him up."


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