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11:29 p.m. - 2004-08-06
the 3 magical words i'll like to hear
3 magical words, not "i love you"

i was listening to weezer this morning and like usual i dun get the lyrics exact and i hear stuff like...

i'll be there...

(blah blah blah)

waiting for the girl to say "don't let go."

the exact lyrics are different:

anyway, i think the best words to hear from someone is "don't let go".

and i dun mean it in the sense of love. well, it could be. but i think it's cooler when you mean it in a dont-let-go-of-your-dreams sense. Don't give up! you feel like dying, you feel like throwing everything away, don't let go! i'm in a terribly optimistic mood.


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