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1:26 p.m. - 2004-08-07
being happy about what you're doing
marvel! Marvel super Mario

i was bored and broke and looking through the classifieds to get a job when i decided to get started in writing some sort of resume, which might come in handy anytime.

so i write write write...

and then in the self-description and interests part, i wrote (what is to become my manifesto of life):

"I aspire to be an artist; to be able to create and derive joy in the process."

And then as i happily cheer at this statement (nevermind the lofty and idealistic pride), i added a literal afterthought (because it's only in my brain):

"and then i can take a step back and marvel at my own creation."

i hope it's not too crazy to put that in a resume.


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