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10:39 p.m. - 2004-08-07
beware of becoming a slave to $
karma police, arrest this man he speaks in math

Eugene Jarvis, a game designer, from the Halcyon Days interview, said:

"If you are just doing it for the money, and you can't get even get yourself psyched about your project, then it's time to move on to something fresh.

Why waste irreplaceable time in life just making money, when the alternative is having some fun exploring the unknown? Money can be made later, but time is lost forever."

------------------------- LJ Rant(speaking without responsiblities will get to you someday):( i was in a conversation i can't escape and in the front of my head was my face which was going smile grin and my mouth going tell me more and my eyes paying attention and i thought i might like this but really the realities were a drag. i'm not fucking interested. i'll put a spade to your head. the fuck you have coming here. the fuck off! the fuck show off! the fuck fuck fuck! and fuck you. flying fuck you. diving fuck you. half fuck you. kcuf your head over! backwards! kcuf! there there. there there.


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