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1:04 a.m. - 2005-01-30
i hope i sleep early
you will live the rest of your life in this condition

cherry said that in gantz vol 188.
to a killer he just granted to a life of paralysed-wheelchair-spoonfeeding hell.

there was once upon a time i exited from my flat to walk on the streets dazed and drugged out from a day of staring at the computer out of the matrix i discovered i had only been illusioning myself. i stumbled without a destination and a cold breeze shook my bones and my neck shivered my arms bare i had no defence at all.

i realised i had only been talking to myself all this while. and so i stopped.
i provided information kindly to the needy masses who wanted to know where they could get pirated cds or just needed another ear and mouth to babble with. i smiled and laughed.

mum stepped into the house. the livingroom lights were on. she called my name and placed some plastic bags on the table.

i realised i had wasted my time.
i like gantz.

a side note:
helped mum find letters while the swear word cheebye came out of my mouth.


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