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8:21 p.m. - 2005-02-03
bunch of stuff about today
i talked to a fren on msn and she asked me if i didn't like to go outside, because she always see me online and at home when she sees me.

it was a harmless question but i thought about it for a while... I guess i spend like 6 or more hours in front of the computer everyday. It's a bit too much i know.

anyway, yea i finished the cs227 homework. guess i'll have to draw sketches for the life drawing class tmr and also try to write the narration for the person in the documentary.

the person is one big enigma. i dun have enough information about him/her (more of a him now) to care. A stupid son.

yea... and then i have to go on livejournal and go undercover into the emo community and talk to the kids. This is for the media and culture analysis paper.

The research question should not be a descriptive one since anyone half-knows what's emo. i guess i have to find out how these kids manage to take bits from emo songs and then produce their own bits to put back into the livejournal community. Sort of they're like tiny ants that chew up dead leaves into a sticky sap and then spit it out to build a nest.

And i have to find out what food these insects eat. They seem to like bitter stuff. It makes them ache and the realisation that there are other ants who feel the same way. Does this make them feel better?

Maybe it's good just to know that one is not alone.

Anyway, other stuff i have to do includes getting some "emo" songs or videos for the next media culture class. It seems that our lecturer Ivan doesn't know about emo and he wants to know.

so far i have some dashboard confessional, jew, snowpatrol, reggie and the new effect... i dun even know if they're emo.
if you have any ideas or suggestions, pls tell

ok i think i should go outside, walk around a bit now. cya.


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