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8:02 p.m. - 2005-02-05
i typed into the computer
what i did today:
1. download southpark season 8 episodes.
2. watch them.
3. Think of how to write the narration.
4. told wl that its hard to write.
5. tried to load songs to my phone.
6. gave up after frustration and wasted time.
7. read book about gen x, subcultures and music.
8. fell asleep while reading.
9. woke up.
10. went outside and bought dinner for dad and me.
11. bought a pair of slippers to usher in the chinese new year.
12. installed and uninstalled programs on the computer.
13. drifted to fren's blogs and read their entries.
14. worried about school work.
15. discovered that the laser light gun my brother bought can shoot different light diagrams.
16. sms-ed my fren "anything tonight?"
17. realised that i live a life by the computer, looking at the outside world through the internet. once i step outside, i am at a loss how to entertain myself or even try to breathe.
18. fren replied,"beer or coffee and soccer at mall. Another fren coming."
19. i sit and procrastinate. Here we are now, entertain us.
20. "what should i do?" i typed into the computer.


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