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8:15 p.m. - 2005-03-26
my friend Benny
my friend Benny
i have this friend, one of my best mates during secondary school.His name is benny. He likes pearl jam and led zeppelin and green day and offspring and he was the one that sold me his brother's green day dookie cassette because cds were taking over the world.

i remember being with him and playing soccer and we were in the ncc air club slacking away and dreaming of girls.

we sort of lost contact after our sec school days...
but i must say, he's a great influence on my life.

i read about benny tubes in 'on the road' and i somehow seem to connect this with him. It's not just the name, but his way of being. he was a very likeable, down to earth and charming fellow. my fellow junkie.

i hope all is well. And i should never forget this friend.


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