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11:09 p.m. - 2005-05-11
pick your bones up where they've fallen
pick your bones up where they've fallen:

yesterday i woke up quite late (i mean from my usual time) and i went to the bus stop at 7 something and sat at the stone seats to wait for the bus and then hz walked by and down the stairs, carrying her light blue file in her special way (rested on her hip, wrapped around by one arm) and her shirt (the school uniform) was as always tucked in (not very tightly)with no overlapping.

i looked up and saw her then and like always, i didn't dare to be near her and so i sat there watching her get onto a bus 74 and when the bus went away and another bus, aircon 25, came, i hurried down and boarded it.

when the bus came to the stop opposite AMK mrt station, i alighted along with the other passengers who were going to take the train and as i walked along the pavement, i saw hz in front, amongst the crowd, and there was youwen walking not very near beside her and he was talking to her. When they stopped at the traffic crossing for the light to turn green, i was still on my way towards their general direction but of course not directly towards hz because i'm scared and then at this time, hz glanced at me. i didn't do anything except had an expressionless face and i turned away. i feel quite dumb for doing that.

then the mrt ride. then at yck station. we or i alighted, since we were not sitting in the same carriage, but before this, at amk mrt station, while i was walking through the doors and i saw hz's friend, eggs; i think she is rather cute, with a oval face, pert nose and short hair that just fits around her oval face and she was carrying this eastpak bag (the same colour as benny's...) and she was carrying a light blue file too. i liked her also.

okay at yck station, i got off the train and was just walking by myself with the some other ajc students along the backdoor route and hey! hz and her friend passed by quite near me abd u could hear her them speaking to each other in english and i remember being glad (because of that! i mean i think she could or we could talk to each other really closely like me and see boon long, and not about tv shows or whatever) and then she turned her head around and i don't know if she was looking at me or who but i was definitely staring at her, hoping to catch her blessed glance. she turned around twice. but anyway i was thinking she might be looking for rg. i think she likes him and there goes the same for rg though i can't understand wht he doesn't seem to know it. i just hope he's not trying to be cool and nonchalent about it...

1. "talk about tv shows..." this is funny ironic now that im actually working for tvs and would like talking about them to people.

2. eggs. i guess i give people nicknames. i liked her and hz. but hz more. if you think im stupid and childish, so be it.

3. i usually have this uncanny sense of knowing where love is radiating to. friends, beware.

4. in the end, as in the end of jc, rg and hz weren't together. i heard from a army friend a few years later that hz was with my 1st 3 months classmate jj... i'm sorry i'm giving you guys this spoiler. you must feel a bit like i do when i got this "news". do you want me to describe it? well ok, for me, it was a dead "wow ok... yea he's a good looking fellow... but what about rg...hmm... what if i had done something... " And thats that. After my A levels, my life just tangent and split.


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