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9:57 p.m. - 2005-06-08
but i'll never shave my head.
but i'll never shave my head

there's nothing like blasting songs off and singing along without a care.

today i was in the dubbing room early in the morning, i had to find some metal songs to go with a script. i picked up chocolate starfish by limp bizkit, a band i used to despise because of fred durst and all the hoo-ha over red baseball caps and their nu-metal rap sounds. the onslaught of bands like insane clown posse. i thought i would just pop in the cd and use the songs for commercialism's sake.

Then i had a limp bizkit revelation. i was actually doing air guitars and rockin to it. i had to laugh at myself. maybe because i was in a bad mood yesterday. but i kind of enjoyed the angry shouting and body slamming sounds and the reverbed durst voice breaking into a whine going "its a fucked up world its a fucked up place everybody's judged by their fucked up face... a fucked up job a fucked up pay a fucked up mind...fucked up fucked up fucked up...if i say fucked again, there'll be 26 fuckeds in this song..." its so literal in your face thats its funny!!!

it reminds me of the army days and one fren that liked limp bizkit. funny stuff like how we used to share songs on the discman in the camp and even wanted to bring stereos to outfield exercises so that we could blast them.

ok back to me in the dubbing room, i was headbanging like an idiot untill i looked out the door window and saw a pleasant korean girl looking in. i pretended to tweak the volume knobs.

sometimes i think i must be one of those crazy bare-headed, shirtless skinny guys in jeans jumping around like crazed monkeys hissing and totally ballistic. my messy beatles hair and black specs is just another artsy act-like-film-studies-student phase. ok, maybe before trainspotting gets back in vogue again, i ought to shave my head.


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