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11:51 p.m. - 2005-06-13
apologies from jap omelette one
Makoto Aida-ru introduces an old character from Jap Omelette 1

hi, i am the guy fingering the girl from jap omelette 1. today i came forward to Makoto Aidaru kneeling down in front of him to apologise for all the bad deeds i've done to him, intentionally or otherwise. i dunno why but i feel that im in a repentant mood. for all the good things my friends and family have done or felt for me.

one chapter from Trainspotting sticks in my mind and its near the last chapter, where Rent steals the stash of cash meant to be shared with his mates and he ups and leaves the apartment. As he walks, he rationalises that they would probably curse him but they themselves would know that it's what any of them would have done.

i dunno if thats correct. i guess it isn't. it isn't what anyone would have done.


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