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5:09 p.m. - 2005-07-25
hey you
last night i dreamt of my dad.
i walked into his room and he was in bed, he saw me and said, "xian, help me pick up my arm, its fallen on the ground." so, in a blur, i hurried and picked up his arm with both hands; then i sort of fell down by his side, tumbling his arm to his chest.
i called him.

then i woke up.
i went to the living room, stared at his picture, burnt 3 sticks of incense and said sorry. everytime i burn incense to him, i say sorry. i think i must have said it perhaps less than a hundred times only. i hope i don't have to continue saying it the rest of my life. Hope!

how did this dream come about:
i think sometimes my dad drops his pills on the ground by his bed and he would call me to help him pick them up because he can't see or reach for them.


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