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10:53 p.m. - 2005-09-01
this yellow guy he played one he played knickknack on my
there was this yellow guy with 2 horns on his head, he carried a lighted torch into this mountain in the east, it was a dark cave and there were several kungfu diagrams inscribed by some magical finger or sword. This yellow guy he brought his torch nearer to the walls to inspect the diagrams and while he was reading them from left to right he realised that his fingers and toes were twitching. Damm! he must be learning this special ancient kungfu skill subconsciously! it's either this or he is practising "heart-count", the art of counting money with one's heart. This is a very high level skill, at least level 45 without added intelligence amulet charms. but anyway, "heart count" is a pretty common skill, in fact most of us know how to do it. it is when we weigh the advantages and disadvantages of our actions and interactions with other people or in the course of our lives. it's pretty obvious.

stop wasting time.

ok here's a office joke. and it happened in my office.
one guy came up to a colleague and said, "hey can i borrow your thumbnail?"

if i have to explain this joke, its only because you guys are unable to visualise the memory stick being passed.

ok, here's another joke.
i just thought it up.

one day there was this person. after some time of neurotic loneliness, he/she just stands up and says,

"yes well screw you. you're not even worthy. you dun deserve my attention. i'll feed my fish and pet it. i'll rub my feet in almond and drink tao huei. i absolutely hate you. one day you will be struck by a silence so long and stifling it chokes you to tears and you'll wish for a stroke of lightning and you will know its my vengeance."

then he/she sits down and stares at the floor with an arranged expression of blank wistfulness while a raging storm rumbles beneath the facade of porcelain.
and then cracks appear just like frosted glass in a cold summer morning and he/she picks up a shard making red stripes across beige skin and it is really berserk at this point becos suddenly i thought of getting a playstation 2. damm.


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