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11:17 a.m. - 2005-09-04
whats another word for legal issues? i know it starts with L
i think my music listening experience is going to be adversely affected now since there's a restriction on the songs from certain record companies we can't use because they will sue us. This is humandamm awful. if i listen to it and find a good riff/sample, it might be perfect for a video sequence but i can't use it anyway. That feeling is kinda crushing... so to avoid this i might as well stop listening to artists from that record label. But Universal music owns so many subsidiary labels and artists!

yes this is strange.
now that i think about it.

because i study this comm course, everytime and almost everytime, i would be interacting with mass media (newspapers, anime, television, movies) under the pressure of education, self-improvement and having to appraise whether it's useful to ambitions/career, even when it's just for mere amusement.

anyway, a optimistically good thing about this record label/music publishers' issue is that perhaps more obscure artists in little known labels might possibly gain some airplay for their catchy hooks.


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