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12:14 p.m. - 2005-09-04
porn is megalomaniac's fanntasy wrong!
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This essay has a cute ja-penglish title with local actress referencePorn is megalomaniac's fanntasy wrong!

I have this crazy idea of a mockumentary which I want to make, I think it is going to be great fun. It�s going to involve arcade kids playing dance dance revolution, 20 rolls of toilet paper rolling down a hill in bishan park, black ranchu goldfish, people staring at teletext screens discussing prices of red balloons, kungfu fighting, people having flashbacks of their childhood, freakouts, and idiotic cats high on nip and scavenger hunts!

It�s going to be like Singapore Gaga twisted by internet geeks, totally random and arty farty higher-than-thou tomfoolery you-dun-get-this humour who-do-i-care-hyphens-everywhere-; with a lot of problems in the editing room because of demented art directors and over-sensitive editors with a fear of dissolves and long rendering times. Cntrl A Cntrl R!

Ok, the real thing is I haven�t figured out the story structure yet and I haven�t got any equipment/cast/crew. It�s a one-man war against the whole lord of the rings evil hordes plus the fellowship combined. I don�t know where to start. I probably have to beg friends to act and ALSO be the crew. It�s going to be a homemade movie of madness. That�s all I can promise you. I want it to look like a dream and a rollercoaster ride. It�s going to bring audiences high up and loop da loop and then fling them off the bends. I want them cursing and puking when they exit the theatres, and then begging for more, probably picking the ground for vomit scraps to bring home and put it next to their television sets in their livingrooms.

Like I said, this film is going to be totally personal, it should be a riot of the senses; it�s all about life and living it la vida loca. I hate ricky martin and his kilometer-long butt crack.

I just had another idea. its brilliant like andy milonakis' blogging when the camera is just still on him throughout the one minute he spends in front of his computer fake-typing and his rambling voice over illustrating his thoughts for the day into his self-obsessed blog (i spent 20s cntrl x and cntrl v trying to get this sentence structure correct! i love blogging!)

yes so the idea goes back to one of my previous posts about brogging and msn conversations which border on idiocy, about fake delinquency, about computer crimes by bored fake-hackers.

the whole film consists of people fake-typing away at their keyboards, and cuts to different people typing away in their homes, and the stupid lies they make up about google hacking, google earthing, google spell checking, google this google that google is our sponsored friend.

yes this is it. byebye
cntrl a cntrl c cntrl v


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