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9:41 p.m. - 2005-09-10
masters of the internets synop

Story Treatment

In the year 2005, the population of the Internets has increased exponentially, like the curve of a seahorses� spine. It is time that the senseless war between the world of the Internets and the world of the Televisions is stopped!

The war of fighting for eyeballs and advertising dollahs!
We need to stop this war and unite the warring factions.
Only these random 3 or 4 guys can do it. And they are beta male (read: slightly above Loserish).

�I believe that the Internets is very real and you can get mugged by some unscrupulous asshole if you are not careful. Buyer Beware.�

This episode is shot in a typical Internet-amateurish style.

copyrights reserved under the millenium copyright law which covers all material published on the internet. slightly made up. so anyway, auditions for the slightly napolean dynamite dumb geek roles will be up soon. Interested pple can feel free to come for ordishons. later more info will be posted obviously later.


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