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11:27 p.m. - 2005-09-17
an imagined narrative
he approaches the painter to paint a portrait of his father. The complication is because the artist doesn't paint photo-accurate paintings. there is suspense because there is anticipation about the outcome of their immediate actions.

Besides photos, the artist sets out a few demands: he needs a story about the father from the son. there are questions.

what do you remember... there is a dilemma because illness changes people. all we remember is suffering. but we are not our dieseases.

the painter reads from the notes that he has.
the painter doesn't know where to start. he tears up lines.

what you will remember might be what you hope.
in the end he draws up the idealised image - being an agnostic, he paints a picture of an afterworld, like the belief of paper money burnt into the air.


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