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10:36 p.m. - 2005-11-02
let me talk here
just my thoughts

ok, this is just my thoughts.
It might sound wrong or cheap.
i'm the sort of person that likes to declare certain stuff as trends in the future, so that i could one day think, "hey i thought of that first." , something like a soothsayer. or smart-ass.

anyway, if you are a media student producing your final year project right now, i want to tell you this:

"dun shoot and produce another short film."

Go and produce a television series. get the rough concept right. believe in your story enough. what's interesting/compelling/entertaining about it?

Make a pilot, pitch it to the major international networks, get the Networks to finance your series, retain your rights as a producer, retain your original production team, paying them real money, all so that you can continue making great stuff with your friends. It is simple. just get your demo done.

Why not short film?
because i think its not as sellable, Unless you want to be an artistic director that puts out one good artistic film a year. and the rest of the year, you be doing odd shitty jobs to finance your next short little film.

now think of this: how cool it would be if you could produce your short little films fulltime.

short little films = television series.

ok then you can think further ahead...

how cool it would be if you can have your own television channel? You acquire the shows you like or you finance their production and then you set the times they are shown to people.
Its like controlling several movie production teams and the cinemas.

I think this is possible. Especially with new technology coming out on the internet in the future.

Just check out or submarine channel or some channle called something i forgot what, its supposed to be an online competitor against MTV.

the schools are producing lotsa media students anxious for work/exposure. you can harvest their thirst and energy to create media content farms, generating gazillions of shows.

cool dream.


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