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9:45 p.m. - 2005-11-17
lets go 2 years into the future
2 years into the future, and a deluge of internet-related television movies later...

"i'm not sure if any of you remembers Masters of the Internets. But it was certainly one of the best entertaining thought-provoking shows of our time, never to have a budget or a means to be produced."

"It was shocking and extremely attractive, the first time i saw someone doing exactly the same kind of things i would do on the internet, except this guy was on television!"

"i started watching television instead of wasting my time looking for laughs on the internet. Masters of the Internets is more exciting than talking to some random person i knew offline who happened to be online at the same time as me. Masters of the Internets is amazing!"

"i knew it when i see it. i felt it as i watched it. Masters of the Internets saved my sense of humour."

"one way to document history is to record it on tape. These guys have gone several light years further by recording it AND editing it on tape. Masters of the Internets was certainly ahead of its time."

Gentlemen, and ladles, i present to you, with deepest admiralty and woodlands, Masters. Of. The. Internets.
the earliest known all-typed-in-computer pitch to the Corporations and Networks

Masters of the Internets is a television series aimed for the Internet generation, with the aim of getting them back to watching television. Instead of wasting their time surfing the web for interesting and wacky stuff to satisfy their short attention spans, they can tune in to our show to catch all the humorous and eclectic stuff, famous on the net.

This is a post-modern television series with a weird sense of humor, making fun of the rise of Internet culture; be it self-indulgent bloggers, internet dating, massive cybergames, law-breaking music downloaders, wannabe-hackers or ridiculous net slang, nothing is spared from our skewering satire.

Ridiculous at times, ridiculed at� by others, nevertheless, Masters of the Internets is an unprecedented show documenting the history and development of Internet culture, with a style described as Ali G meets The Andy Milanokis Show. It is low budget, it is inventive, and it is the fun of comedy let loose on its own imagination.


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