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11:00 p.m. - 2005-11-12
i want to be a good rollerbladder
Nov 12 Saturday
Another Andy-Mila post for the diary:

i'm glad the weekend is here. But haha, half of it is over.

Went rollerbladdering with zaifa today at east coast park, there were so many skaters, and some really skate well. We got there about 11am and the skies were cloudy and it rained. We were quite sian and so we sat at Mac's and waited for the rain to ebb.

Luckily it stopped after a while and so we strapped on the gear and rolled/waddled off. I didn't want to wear the kneepads because they restrict movement and later i fell down, several times actually. Luckily zaifa got me to wear his wristpads and it saved my palms.

i was super exhausted when we reached the hawker centre at one end of east coast that i fell down and tried to get up and then i sort of rolled over and tumbled into the wet grass, getting wet dirt over me.

and then another time, i lost balance and fell backwards and zaifa turned to look and he fell too.

and then another time, this tanned sporty girl she was going fast and well till her skates hit a twig on the road and she sprawled forwards, scraping the tarmac. and somehow i fell immediately after she fell. zaifa's friend turned around and asked, "what happened? yours is a totally isolated case man..."

when we got to the hawker centre and took off the skates to rest, the feet were like aching, body sweated buckets, a bit delirious.

then around 4pm, we left. all in all it was quite fun, i feel quite surprised when i met zaifa's colleagues, because they were friendly and even got out to skate together.

i think i'm quite happy now. or i should be... telling that to myself. i mean besides work. weekends play soccer, or swim ( or rollerblading!) with a group of friends, and then play pool and stuff. time passes quite well.

i still feel a bit guilty for not contacting kt, after all this time, not making time to meet him. but i dunno what to say to him, or i can't say it, i feel like we've drifted apart with different goals and hobbies, i no longer want to do the things we did, it feels like a terrible waste of time. but i can't discount that we did have fun and we were there for each other at times. maybe some time, we will meet again. i just hope all is well.


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