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6:09 p.m. - 2005-12-11
diary entrees' > oyster at east coast
diary entries 11th december

i just finished watching donnie darko. It's a nice film, the title gives nothing away, so there's nothing you can expect from the film, except that you heard rave reviews about it. Maybe it's a film about something personal.

Anyway, it was great.

What's the point of living?

Suddenly, a thought came to my head and gave me the idea of going to east coast to skate again. and so i called zaifa and now i'm waiting for him to call me after dinner so we can go and skate at night. it'll be another experience i guess. i just want to feel the gliding feeling again.

meanwhile, i think i still have to really work on the project. make it interesting and good. not too indulgent that people dun understand. and not too crass. just something fun to do and fun to watch. let's not make this a pain in the ass. becos what's the poing of living? poing poing. there's only so much time. and there's so much time.

meanwhile, i also started investing in an internet autosurf scam. i guess greed/materialism propels me.

out of my normal habit, i read the whole article about primates in the sunday newspapers today. when i read the headline, i thought the news were really stupid about writing such trivia because its a slow news day and there's the king kong movie.

then i realised the writing by ong sor fern is actually not bad. its just informative and not trying to be too entertaining like that pun guy tay keat something, because i feel sometimes the writer doesn't need to over express himself on the expense of other subjects. haha, any irony? i dunno.

dun care. skip over.

which brings me to another topic. making small talk. i resolve to be less fake, talk only when talk is interesting, and just do my own stuff.

unless its party time and i go wild. then the rules dun apply to me.

party time usually occurs in a lift when i'm alone and start singing or punching the walls, or over-acting from imaginary hostile encounters. other party times may include human players if they're the dun-look-u-weird-in-the-eye sort.

ok, i got my call.
off to east coast now. byebye.


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