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11:08 p.m. - 2005-12-12
ranting diary: screw slave masters
diary entries 12 dec 2005

today there was a retrenchment thing at my company. i almost wished i was retrenched when i saw a colleague just pack up her stuff and up and gone, just like that. i wished it was me because there's too much stuff to be done and i feel like there's no support from other people; only more work coming. now there's less people. and more work. with life and death deadlines. heck its not even life and death. so what if some dumb audience dun get to watch their favourite show? screw the advertisers.

work suxs. or is it because i dun stand up for myself? maybe i should just say something.

anyway, i've half made up my mind to quit. thats why i wish there was no 1 month notice. i can just up and go without them giving me more torture.

but everywhere seems the same. bosses squeezing their employees. maybe i go become a teacher. and do things i like in my free time, which is quite a lot during the holidays. working in the so called media business, doesn't mean work is that exciting or fun. its crap.

work is just work.
and screw the slave masters.


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