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6:47 p.m. - 2006-01-19
romantics lament on a windy morning
a romantic's lament on a cold august morning
Prague 1776,
it's a terribly cold day today. my teeth are aching.
i've been feeling a great sense of melancholy lately and today i was crushed. i've been thinking of disappearing, into nothing. how nothing matters. maybe its the festivities or maybe it was the bad dream i had that i can't remember and write into a play now. i've been going to the theatre to catch glimpses of her. and today i saw her lover. and i know why she has kept her distance from me so.

i can't go back in time anymore. i've lost the time machine. and everything around is a mockery of what i have lost. i got asked to play the drums today. i was the character that got pushed into a hole and covered with sand. i remember doing nothing about it and just indifferent. i'm just a character. it doesn't matter.

i want to go home and sleep. and let dreams envelope me lika a blanket. the crowds on the trains terrify me with their sentimental goodbyes and purposeful chatter. even the blank stares get me down. clementine. she is in KL. good night i shall go now.


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