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8:24 p.m. - 2006-03-31
this company loves misery
hellow bukowski (and cheap poems)

misery loves company
but you are alone on a friday night
drinking shitty beer from a can
an empty stomach is hollow

nobody awaits you at home -
who likes waiting?
you look forward to nothing
you're waiting for the courier guy
you're waiting to get off work
when work ends, you wait some more
at the traffic junction you stop and pause
you didn't cross
nowhere no aim no

something should happen
they got the cheap love
they got the hopes going

you're happy because someone said you seemed to have grown taller
you wonder if its real
whats the use

a friend on tv speaks like a professor

your handphone rings and dies.
whoever is calling has given up
you think thats funny
yes its not so funny.

i think its time to go.
the open road beckons.


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