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4:07 p.m. - 2006-04-30
you are only escaping the momentary.
voice over of a japanese suburban man in a middle-sized town walking on the street infected with emptiness and tragedy - and some incurable taboo - you are only escaping the momentary

i am the sort of ignorant clueless person without an aim or destination as i walk on the downtown streets, feeling strange from pubs coffee houses and expensive places. one day i hope to change.

i think i tend to veer into tragedy when i write/think about myself. but this means i am normal. because a person like me can't be happy, and yet face his situation squarely.

i hope to write like kafka, like haruki murakami in kafka on the shore, the way he is described as understanding that kafka's stories are actually comic.

i think if a person is writing a sad story, the only way he can feel it is comic is because he writes in nonsense, mixing fantasy into the sad unchangeable reality; things get absurd and light, but believable because the sad truth weighs everything down.

peace in the middle east after an atomic accident or aliens appearing.

a cure for aids and incurable dieseases after the da vinci code is entered.

a guy mucking on a cruise ship meets a pregnant giraffe.

a girl thinks of getting a new phone, meets the actor of R2D2, and realises she is not so poor afterall.

steven spielberg shaves off his beard and headhair and goes on the presidential campaign, looking to set world poverty right once and for all.

a guy sells his PS2, meets his primary school friend, flies off to bangkok, comes back, quits his job, writes at home using a pentel pencil, loves a foreign girl, avoids premature death, have healthy kids, happy family, swimming pools, cured of illness, a feeling of being blessed by god and luck in general, with the evil past far far away.


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