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1:04 a.m. - 2006-05-01
filmed in july
a film shot only at sunset and a little after

think i am quitting my job end june... and so i'd better plan some stuff to do then.

i am thinking of shooting a short film (actually on video), it will only be shot during the orange glow of sunset, because right now, i think of the image of this guy walking down a suburb housing street, mouthing stuff, chasing the sun, as he walks past houses and into a forest and on and on.

a simple premise.

the technical challenge is the warm colours, dreamy blurs, mellow weird soundtrack, offbeat editing, super closeups, nice mature voice.

when night finally comes, it would seem so ordinary, so mundane; i can imagine the last shot might be the grainy image of a man passing under a street lamp, momentarily pale like a white ghost under its light, and then as he walks on, he disappears into the darkness...

what does he want to talk about?
everything about july.


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