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11:55 a.m. - 2006-11-21
heavy metal typist
Heavy metal typing

With its scaling riffs and multiple guitar chops, heavy metal can be as complicated and rhythmic as a whole classical orchestra on speed running rampage on the streets jumping on cars scaring pedestrians using their instruments as weapons the trumpet smashes someone's face at the 3rd measure for good measure,

so for the deskbound metal listener, sometimes you feel like you are the conductor of chaos, hitting various keys, tapping those high whirls in the ether, absorbed by the chainsaw beats, headbanging in front of your monitor as you type away a story floating down the stream of consciousness... a strange sight to those who are not connected to your headphones and who hasn't seen the river of thoughts running a canyon 3 miles deep in yourself, a landscape of a desert, rocks sand and full of death, the heat of the sun beats down in red waves only you can see behind your eyelids.

i'm guided by the pinball map.

heavy metal typist playlistism -
inflames "dialogue with the stars"
inflames "pinball map"
inflames "episode 666"


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