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12:34 a.m. - 2006-11-22
we are the IR.... ehhhh?
we are the

we, the nationalist right, want to strengthen the country and create prosperity.

one of the best things the IR (Integrated Resorts - integrating gambling and hotel services) will bring, besides thousands of jobs and some nice architecture, is the multi-use cleanser - a shampoo cum conditioner cum soap cum facial cleanser cum dishwashing liquid;

it cleans everything in one wash, and you only need the 2nd or 3rd wash to get rid of its pungent frangipani smell.

we invented this product through extensive testing of how gamblers behave in their actual environments - the casino and IR.

Gamblers need all the time they can get, as they are in the zone to play and win big money. They usually stay in the casinos for hours on end trying their luck, so when they finally come out and return to their rooms to clean up, they feel the rush to get back to the gaming table again, so they need an easy fuss-free solution which can help them clean themselves easily and fast.

Our all-in-one cleanser, is the true-blue efficient cleaning solution.

We understand the gambling mentality:
To gamblers, time is money, and money is what they keep losing and have to win back.

With our product, gamblers will be able to save more time and thus, money.

Money they can put to better use at our casinos :-)


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