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8:47 a.m. - 2006-11-22
i don't make films, i just write them
Don�t shoot me, I�m just the film writer

Not the director or cameraman, get it?

I don�t make films that are to be watched, I only write films that are to be read.

I write films that are impossible to watch; reason not being that the film is excruciatingly bad that you give up and leave the theatre halfway, but reasons that are nearer to a situation of destroyed film masters, stolen tickets, suicided projectionist, burnt-down cinema, the taleban� or an absence of a crew to shoot and edit it.

I make up ideas about films (that I see inside my mind in vague glimpses) and analyze them (their motivations and thematic unities) and write excitable reviews about them, in one essay if possible and inspired.

It�s usually wordplay nonsense.

But one great question we have to consider: Is Imagination the best filmmaker?
Not really true, because sometimes it is about seeing other people�s visions of hell.

I haven�t seen the movie, The Cell, yet� though I�ve chanced upon little bits of it.
And this shall be where my imagination and memory shall work hand in hand to give you a summary �

It�s about psychologists that can enter the minds of some criminals, and they really enter (sort of really physically, where they can get hurt or killed) to probe their minds and maybe help them. But in some of the warped minds, things get really surreal and even nightmarish, and it is terrifying when you can enter and not escape, especially when the criminal whose mind you�re in is aware of you and controls his whole brain world to shut all exits.

I probably made that last part up.
But I have to see the film to know if it�s true.

Because ideas brought to life through writing and through actual filming (creating in a visual sense), is different, like water poured into differently shaped containers, of different colors, some can be clear plastic, others are painted glass, etc.

So I guess this�s what I�ll do:
Get rid of my lazyness and go to the vcd shop to get the dvd and then spend about 2 hrs to experience someone�s hell.

And maybe someday go to the trouble of making my own film.
Just kidding.
(why even bother?)


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