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12:57 a.m. - 2006-11-22
a film called \"why i want money\"
review (written by me) of a film called "why i want money" (written by me again)

There are one too many writers in this film, "WHY I WANT $$$".

And the title of the film (and this review) explains it all.

Except it doesn't quite explain why the director SH chose to film 100 people in glorious expensive Black & White kodak film and have them explain why they want money, when 2 reasons would seem enough: that money is everything and the world revolves around it.

It is also the root of all evil, can we say that? Yes, thanks, yes we can. We just got sponsored.

this is another film with a clever premise that tries to say something original but ends up like a bird that can't really swim or fly or walk properly in its webbed feet. And yes, the film is as obvious as this metaphor.

but below the veneers of comedy and in-your-wallet kind of personal intrusion, the film wishes to explore just how complex people can make their lives to be.

"There are so many reasons why, man..."

And also a whole chunk of other vague nonsense, like honesty and truth, like wars in iraq and rises in GST.

"i just love the smell man, of freshly printed fibre. fuck the cashcard."

The film runs wild like a mad bull, high on red bull vodka, slightly tipsy, and er... it rushes towards the red cape of a film festival! and discovers it just wants moo-lah.

No, really... okay really.

here's a non-sponsored quote from our writer, writing at his own expense:

"my expense is just sanity. and sanitary. To begin with, this film is about the human relationship with money.
Money is important as we all should know it, its power, its attraction, its unfair distribution, its abstraction in the stock markets, its physical property in the mint, its extrinsic intrinsic value....

Why do pple want money?
What are their reasons?
Don't they have enough money, really?
What do they really lack and think that money can solve?

So many questions... and desires... and a lot of reasons that are reasonable.

Someone wants to save his child.
Someone wants to go to school.
Someone wants to pay for his wedding dinner.

What is the brave solution this foolish idealistic film dares to propose?

That money is secondary to our primary goals?
That maybe we can forgo this currency thing and just barter services off each other in a little trust and kindness?

It is simple to put what we think the film is saying in one word:

the answer is yes and no.
Because its too large to condense it, and the problem is there is no One solution.

And probably the debate about money and solutions to world problems will go on for quite some time, meanwhile hopefully, and really simplistically (to avoid a headache)

people would see the film as a reflection of themselves, checking inside their own wallets to consider the importance and weight of the fibre paper they are carrying.


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