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12:10 a.m. - 2006-12-26
my 2 friends
my friend sounding the bell
i went out with keet the other day, we haven't met for quite some time, like 6 months, we arranged to meet at Novena Mac's, then went to Parklane shopping centre to play Battle City and Sugoku 3 the ninja game.

After playing the arcade, we walked out on the pavement without knowing what else to do, i suggested that we should head home, and he agreed and said in mandarin,

"when you're all grown up and there's nothing to do, you're really just waiting to die."

my friend screaming alive
i heard my friend Zaifa scream the sound of being alive as he told us the experience of white-water-rapids-river rafting, a rollercoaster on water, going up and down, being tossed in the air, or rafts capsizing, but before that, travellers dive into the river waters of their own will to enjoy its calm and coolingness, drifting with the little currents, untill they suddenly reach the rapids and everyone scrambles aboard excitedly, an exhilaration as the ride of their lives begin, living closely to danger, that makes us most alive, screaming alive in joy, at the sudden drop, suspended in the air, falling eternally in that few seconds, before finally landing on some crazy swirling dragon.


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