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12:00 a.m. - 2006-12-26
2 cats at the void deck
2 cats at the void deck
i met the two cats at the void deck.
The fat orange flower cat and the black n white patchy cow cat, more black than white, hungry-loving-affectionate, it purred loudly as i stroked it, and the cat orange started making sounds of disapproval as it watched us, like

"you shouldn't let them touch you! Desperate! Cheap!"

she hissed.

The orange cat never let me pat her and never shows enjoyment even when i did pat her.

she is non-plussed.

so strange but true.

but i have a reciprocal relationship with her:
you dun like me, me neither to you.

i guess she could have said this:
"it really needs trust and a good person before we hand over ourselves to someone, so that our feelings will not be manipulated."

i dunno what i should do or say...
i come in peace? yes. i am scared and i don't want to hurt you.


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